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Well thanks for reading this far.

That bloke right there in the picture is our founder Patrick.

He's chucking someone out of a plane.

Why the hell would you do that?

Well the story is a long one......



In the beginning...

I built a company working in a very busy events industry providing technical production for celebration events, concerts and stadium size gigs all over the world right up to the Olympics.

For 20 years I was in this industry (basically getting into it as a kid straight from school) I was damn good at it and it became a trade, one I loved. I got to play with cool technology and blow stuff up for fun!

Giving other people amazing experiences and memories really felt incredible, I was part of someones joy, something that made them smile.

I too made some memories I hold so dear, thing's that were truly epic.

How many people can say they stood on the roof of a stadium surrounded by fireworks? or hearing 40,000 people scream in joy as you pressed a button to start a laser sequence for a major world famous band?


Thats all great but...

What I didn't love was all the sucky "adulting" stuff. The paperwork, reports, death by powerpoint, accountancy and working 16+ hour days (some days 3 days straight to deliver the job on site) my partner nagging me to come to bed but knowing i HAD to get this spreadsheet done because i'd left it to the last minute.

Personally I felt stuck, paralyzed in a number of personal and work situations, trapped by my own choices.

It lead to disconnecting from my family and toxic communication whenever there was any, falling into addictive patterns of behavior and eventually the loss of my marriage, my company, my home & my dog......

It really is the lyrics of any good country song!

When I did finally get to bed I was kept awake by the voices in my head playing the dreaded "what if" greatest hits.

What if I had done this instead of that, what if I had just walked away.

The B side of that album was "you're an idiot", "you aren't worthy of any of the good things that have been happening".

The constant frustration, anger, sadness, the absolute unbridled chaos I caused because I felt like I had nowhere to turn to was unreal, I hurt those closest to me, and created more regret. So strong were these feelings I even tried to take my own life.

My started going to doctors for drugs, then therapy (for nearly 10 years), trying to get someone else to fix me. I would attend weekend seminars in far flung lands and hear people shout and swear on stage at huge hotels and hype me up then leave me reeling with nowhere to go. Then I would crash back to my reality, it totally sucked.


Something had to change...



Ultimately it was looking within, with a very select group of people to help me hold up the mirror that got me moving from WHY DID THIS HAPPEN to HOW DO I FIX THIS.

I reconnected with my love of aviation, something I had be obsessed with as a kid and qualified as a skydiving instructor and it was the shared experiences of guiding someone through facing their fears HEAD ON and finally letting go that I found myself and true purpose.

It was scary at first with my first few students, The learning curve was very steep, I literally had their life in my hands! But once the physical skills of skydiving with another human strapped to you were in place I realized there was a much bigger thing at play in all this than gravity.

I had students freaking out in the plane, having breakdowns when it was time to jump. I realized that I needed to learn how to communicate. I needed to CONNECT and get out of my own head and stop trying to bend everyone and everything to my will.

I realized that unless a person feels supported and confident they are still going to be alone. Plummeting out of control towards a fate they don't want.


I started my own healing...

A journey that I never thought I would take, I began training with some of the leading experts in self development, addiction, trauma & neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

After many years I have gone from a life I hated to helping over 2000 people in situations of fear or overwhelm, feeling lost or stuck, wanting to get more for themselves than they are right now or hit their next goal on time.

I founded Landcloud coaching and continue today with an amazing team of people, who just like me wanted to get their act together....

Just without the airplane, gravity, rushing wind and parachutes

(unless you fancy it).

Look I'm not here to sell you on falling out of a plane thats not what we do.....

I just want to show you that I changed my life by simply facing my FEARS head on with someone there to guide me, it was LIFE CHANGING.

You're probably asking yourself

Why should I pick to work with you guys when you just admitted your life was a mess?

Well look we are are human just like you, we have been where you are, and if we can turn it around, so can you!

It doesn't take magic to achieve success it takes lived experience.

Are you ready to REACH NEW HEIGHTS?

Let's Talk!

This is what you've been looking for.

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